5 ways to organize your interior in New York style

04 of February '23

How to arrange an interior in the New York style? What exactly is this style? We present 5 things that are necessary when creating such an interior.

New York style is a combination of elegance and coziness in a metropolitan style. The Big Apple-inspired interior impresses with its spaciousness, luxurious materials and attention to detail.

1st Focal point

The central place in the room that focuses all attention is the so-called focal point. It can be a large sofa, an original coffee table or a fireplace. It is the most important point in the entire room, on the basis of which the rest of the arrangement is adjusted. The use of a focal point is precisely characteristic of the New York style. A distinctive bed in the bedroom will also work great in this role.

Łóżko z baldachimem idealnie sprawdzi się jako focal point

A bed with a canopy will work perfectly as a focal point

© WestwingNow

2. noble materials

Be sure to bet on luxurious, soft fabrics. They are the ones that will give the New York style interior an elegant coziness. Fluffy pillows or a single-color rug are an absolute must have. A quilted bed headboard will also be perfect.Meanwhile, wood and nickel appear in furniture accents. Ornaments made of metal and glass, add lightness to the space and emphasize the modern character. On the walls, meanwhile, hang black and white photographs in metallic frames.

Czarno-białe fotografie będą świetnym dodatkiem

Black and white photographs will be a great addition

© WestwingNow

3. stuccowork

This is a must-have element for a Big Apple-style interior. Here, decorative moldings adorn the floor and ceiling lines, creating a sophisticated arrangement. A great example is the apartment of the MIKOLAJSKAstudio project, which we presented here.

 Sypialnia w stylu nowojorskim

New York style bedroom

Photo by Yassen Hristov

4. space and symmetry

New York style interiors are distinguished by spaciousness, which is designed with the help of light and color. It is necessary to have large glazing, thanks to which a lot of sunlight enters the interior. Symmetry, on the other hand, avoids overloading the interior. Arrange your furniture in a symmetrical way and you will easily achieve an elegant and timeless effect. Two identical coffee tables or bedside tables are ideal for this. On the latter, be sure to set identical lamps with large shades.

Wnętrza w stylu nowojorskim wyróżniają się symetrią

New York style interiors are distinguished by symmetry

© WestwingNow

5. calculated color scheme

Apply the 70/20/10 rule. According to this method, 70% of the area should be the dominant color in the interior, 20% should be complementary, and 10% should be a color counterpoint. In the role of the latter, deeply saturated colors - greens, navy blue or mar oon combined with delicate white or écru - will work perfectly.

Nutka bordo idealnie ożywi aranżację

A note of claret will perfectly enliven the arrangement

© WestwingNow

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